Hablando de letras

CDMiConnect, New York,USA.
"Volunteer at the Brooklyn Free Clinic today.To keep the clinic open and continue to provide quality care, we need you - a licensed physician - to volunteer a small amount of time. No amount of time is too little"

Leo Burnett Tailor Made, Sao Paulo, Brazil

 Making comunicação, Belo Horizonte, Brazil

DLV BBDO, Milan, Italy

 Y&R, Singapore

Publicis, Rumania.

Dieckertschmidt, Berlin, Germany

Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia

RKCR/Y&R, London, UK

Miami Ad School, Istanbul, Turkey

Raid. Miami Ad School, Miami, USA

Chester + Company, Halifax, Canada

Richter7, Salt Lake City, United States

BBDO, Moscow, Russia
